Monday, June 8, 2009

A few more Jeff Woertz Pictures Nov 87

More pictures by Jeff Woertz at an Awakening gig, November 1987

In this first shot, we see Andy and I, with our hair-spray infected hair styles and eye make-up! (Ok, it's just me wearing the eye make-up!!)
After spending over 4 hours setting up our PA and doing sound check, I'd spent a good 20 minutes just working on my hair before a gig! These days, I'm lucky if I spent 10 minutes in the shower everyday!!)

Here is a shot of us after the gig. Wow... what fashions?!! I'm wearing some kind of country music tie, with all the eye make-up and hair spray. Twas the times people!


  1. I am the one who took these photos. These were the good old days! God bless-Jeff

  2. Hey Jeff!

    Thanks for connecting the dots for me. I was always a bit confused where these shots came from. I was thinking that they were local shots, but obviously I was wrong. Awesome!

    Thanks again mate.

